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Back to School Chaos? Declutter in Just 5 Minutes!

The kids have only been back to school for a few weeks, yet the clutter is already piling up! Counters are buried in papers, entryways are scattered with shoes, and calendars are packed with extracurriculars—it’s enough to turn any home into a whirlwind of chaos. While ecomaids can’t add more hours to the day, we can show families how to reclaim their space and sanity in just FIVE minutes a day. Plus, incorporating regular house cleaning into your routine can make the decluttering process even easier!

Now, before anyone rolls their eyes and thinks, “Five minutes? Yeah, right!” Remember: FIVE focused minutes can work wonders. Just like on a plane, where passengers are advised to put on their own oxygen masks first, taking a few minutes to declutter first and then share your decluttering handiwork with the kids can be life-changing for parents trying to regain control. House cleaning doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out process either.

Ready to start? Grab a No. 2 pencil because class is in session!

Label your Loot
Anything—or anyone—without a proper place often ends up on a couch, and clutter is no exception! If seating has been taken over by stray items, it’s time to give them a home. Shelves, wall hooks, and bins under side tables can serve as cozy nests for kids’ wandering possessions. All it takes is a label. This small organizational step can go a long way in simplifying your house cleaning efforts.

Label makers are now incredibly affordable and easy to use—so simple that even school-aged children can create their own labels with minimal help from a tablet or smartphone. By involving kids in the organization process, they can feel a sense of ownership over their space. Spend FIVE minutes setting up the label maker and teaching them how to use it, then let them loose to label their stuff. A well-organized space makes house cleaning much more manageable!

Maximize Your Home’s Storage Potential
Most homes have more usable storage space than people realize; it’s just hidden in plain sight or underutilized. For example, an overlooked side table can be transformed into a stylish storage spot for sports gear with a few attractive laundry bins underneath. A simple closet with one bar and a single shelf can suddenly hold three times the clothes by adding stackable shelves and hanging organizers. Maximizing storage is a critical part of effective house cleaning and organization.

As a rule of thumb, avoid stacking more than five items high—anything taller becomes too cumbersome to access. If you see towering piles or empty air between shelves, it’s time to break up the space!

Best of all, there’s no need to splurge on expensive or trendy storage solutions. Organizing doesn’t require new items – just some creativity! Repurposing old gift baskets, bins, and crates can help keep things tidy without costing a penny, and it’s eco-friendly 😊. These simple storage ideas can drastically cut down on the time spent on house cleaning.

Contain the Clutter
Now that everything is labeled, it’s time to contain the clutter! This makes it easier for kids to take things out, use them, and—most importantly—put them back where they belong. Think about a school backpack: it keeps all the books, lunch, pencils, and papers in one place and easy to carry.

Try using separate bags or spaces for each of your kids’ activities. For instance, create a bin with compartments for art supplies, or a desk organizer for all their worksheets and forms. These little steps make getting things out and putting them away so much easier. When the clutter is contained, house cleaning becomes less of a chore.

Here’s another fun way to get kids involved. Give them some old cardboard boxes, duct tape, and whatever’s in the recycling bin. Challenge them to make their own clever organizers for homework and art supplies. When kids create their own storage solutions, they’re much more likely to use them!

“Green Light” Your Paper Piles
If there’s one thing that piles up fast during the school year, it’s paper. From permission slips to flyers, drawings, and old homework, paper can take over in no time. The trick to keeping it under control? Go green with a simple paper management system.

Pick one spot in your home where all the school papers go—like a small tray or an old file organizer near where the kids keep their backpacks. The rule for the kids is easy: drop the backpack, pull out the papers, and place them in the pile. The parent’s job? Sort through that pile every day (Yes, every day!). Spend just FIVE minutes looking through the papers and decide what to keep, recycle, or take action on. This not only keeps the house organized but also cuts down on daily house cleaning tasks.

Go Digital for Good
For important papers, think about going digital! Snap a picture of permission slips, notices, or any important documents to create a digital copy before recycling them or turning them in. This not only cuts down on clutter, but it also makes house cleaning easier when there’s less paper to manage. Most phones can even search for keywords in your photos, making it super quick to find what you need!

This photo trick is also great for helping kids let go of piles of drawings, worksheets, and assignments they don’t want to throw away. Take a picture, save the memory, and keep your space clutter-free!

The Magic of Five-minute “Power Bursts”
Closets, couches, and counters often turn into dumping grounds, especially with kids always dropping their clothes and bringing home piles of stuff—from art projects to party favors. But don’t worry—you don’t need a whole weekend to tackle the mess. Try the magic of a FIVE-minute “power burst.”

Turn tidying up into a fun family game! Start by choosing a small area to clean, like a drawer, shelf, or section of a closet. Give each player three small bags: one for recycling, one for donating, and one for trash. Set a timer for FIVE minutes and see how much clutter everyone can clear! Decisions on what to keep, toss, or donate get much easier when there’s a race against the clock—and the winner gets 20 extra minutes of screen time! The kids will have fun, and you’ll get a head start on your house cleaning.

For younger kids, explaining sustainable decluttering is important. Teach them to create four piles: donate, recycle, trash, and keep. Ask them which items they love and use often (Keep), which are still good but never used (Donate), which could be repurposed (Recycle), and which are too messy or broken to keep (Trash). Teaching kids about sustainability early on is a life lesson that might be more valuable than any homework they brought home that day!


Raise Your Hand to Ask for Help!
If you’re reading all these five-minute tips and still thinking, “I just don’t have the time or energy for this,” we get it! With work, school, and everything else, life can feel too busy and overwhelming—even for a quick five-minute clean-up. That’s where professional house cleaning services, like ecomaids, can step in!

Professional house cleaning services like ecomaids can handle the deep cleaning and heavy lifting. This way, your home stays fresh, and you have more time and energy to keep things tidy in between visits. For more information on house cleaning services, visit and connect with us on social media.

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*Offer valid at participating franchise locations and only applies to first-time customers with purchase of a residential cleaning service. $150 discount includes $30 off first service & $10 off 12 bi-weekly cleaning services. Offers cannot be combined with any other discounts, coupons, promotions or prior purchases. Certain restrictions apply

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